स्वागतम, वन्दन, अभिनन्दन..................... .............

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Knowledge Update

In a society in which success is terribly
important, having options will become
increasingly vital. It is vitally important for
the individual, and equally for the
individual’s family, to have an area in which
he or she can contribute, make a difference,
and be somebody. That means finding a
second area-whether in a second career, a
parallel career, or a social venture-that
offers an opportunity for being a leader, for
being respected, for being a success.
Every existing society, even the most
individualistic one, takes two things for
granted, if only subconsciously: Those
organizations outlive workers, and that most
people stay put.
But today, the opposite is true. Knowledge
workers outlive organizations, and they are
mobile. The need to manage oneself is
therefore creating a revolution in human
With Kind Regards,

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