Many people have mistaken notions about "personality". Personality is the sum and substance of a large number of things. Thus personality is not to be equated with:
Accessories (Clothing, make-up, things)
Some of the above things are components of personality, but they in themselves are not the personality of a person.
Physical Signs of Stress
Learn to be patient i.e. don't overact on situations.
Don't get anger and frustration takes control over you.
Spent a few minutes alone i.e. thinking about yourself.
Indulge yourself in painting, reading, writing, dancing etc.
Do physical exercises, i.e. brisk walk.
Have faith in God (spritiual guidence).
Acquire a postive attitude in life because it helps us to be more assertive and in control.
Have a sense of humour.
Set your goals.
Learn to be flexible and adaptable and adjusting.
Concentrate on your priorties.
Communicate your stress with parents i.e. don't suffer a silence.
Make decisions for yourself and make a change for betterment.
Diet and Exercise.
Don't be over confident.
Don't ever have low self esteem.
Time Management also means self's management. Managing time means managing yourself in the given time and minute hrs. are a very precious resource.
Skills of Time Management
Ability to plan delegate work.
Organize work.
Bad Time Management
Delay in work.
Bad relations
Non-acheivements of goals.
Obsticals which reduce effectiveness in the work place
Incomplete information
Unclear communication
Unadequate technical and job skills.
Lack of planning.
Unclear objetives and priorities.
Fatigue, Tiredness, Stress
Inability to say 'No'.
Skills and Strategies
Organize - 'To do' list
Plan - 3 kinds daily
Analyse - Weekly - Long term
Review - Monthly - Lonf term
Priotrize - To give importance
Action Plan - Hard work
Key Principles of Time Management
Regularly review long term goals for your personal and professional life.
Spent a few minutes, thinking about and planning your day before we started it.
Outline each days appointments and key tasks in your calender.
List your tasks and activities in priority order and concentrate on the top priorities.
Keep and use an on going 'To do' list.
Handle the important task of the day when you feel most alert.
Group similar tasks together and handle them at the same time.
When you are working on a large project make down the task into smaller pieces and finish your work at one piece at a time.
Keep reference book materials i.e. telephone book, important manuals etc. within arms reach.
Organising your working tools such as pens, stationery, staplers, cello tapes etc., so that they are ready to use the minute you want them.
Maintain a simple but well defined filing system into your place.
Handle each piece of paper onle once.
Using waiting and travel time to handle small tasks or catch up on reading.
When you start a project or task, have back up plans that can be quickly implimented in your original plan doesn,t work.
Give and take clear instructions so that subordinates, collegues and clients don't come back to you with questions.
Appraise your productivity and determine whether you have completed the goals that you wanted to acheive.
Telephonic ettiquettes is important because you are representing your company and your voice is to be impressive.
Telephonic Talking Tips
Avoid personel calls in an office unless it is very important.
While calling offices remember Monday morning, lunch break, late evening hours are not very good time to call.
Develop a good telephone voice by speaking pleasantly, clearly and expressively. Do not chew, eat or drink while talking on the phone.
Be short and crisp i.e. to the point.
Your voice should reflect your alertness and interest.
Smile on your face also makes your voice pleasant.
Get to the point of the call i.e. why you called.
Be a good listener. Pay full attention to the person.
Turn off any background music or sound.
Be prepared with note taking materials to take complete and accurate message.
The telephone receiver should be three finger breath away.
Speak clearly into mouth piece.
Once the caller indentify himself or herself, pronounce the callers name distinctly.
Modulate and be aware of your speed of talking. Match your word speed to that of the caller.
Use courteous words like please, thank you, your welcome etc.
Don't carry a parallel conversation with anyone else i.e. don't talk to somebody if he/she is on line.
Be sure to have all your informations, questions when you are calling.
It's bad to ask someone to hold.
Repeat your information to the caller by summarising, this way you can clarify the caller's request.
Avoid making assumptions, better to ask questions.
Be the last to hang up, if receive a call.
When Placing a Call
Identify yourself.
If you have several items to discuss make a list before hand.
If the person you are calling seems busy ask him/her if you can call him/her back at a most convenient time.
If you want your call return then give the person your details like your name, phone no. and time.
Replace the receiver softly, don't bang it down.
When answering a Call
Before the third ring, the telephone should be picked up.
Identify yourself and the organisation, then wished.
If the calls needs to be transfered politely ask who is calling. Do not leave him/her on hold for long.
When you take a message ther are five w's as a check list:-
What is the message?
When was it taken?
Whom is the message from and for whom?
When is the meeting or appointment? (time)
Where is the receiver (venue) of the message should go?
Double check the telephone no. and the spellings of addresses.
Answering Machine
Do not leave critical/confidential messages on the answering machine.
Concise/breif messages with the time & date and forwarding phone numbers.
Many people have mistaken notions about "personality". Personality is the sum and substance of a large number of things. Thus personality is not to be equated with:
Accessories (Clothing, make-up, things)
Some of the above things are components of personality, but they in themselves are not the personality of a person.
Thus every person should work at a combination of things that together give rise to acharming and God-honouring personality. They should also note that not everyone will have the same components in their personality. For example, some people might be good conversationalists but not everyonecan be so. It does not matter if you do not have a particular componentbecause personality is not equal to individual components. It is the sum and sut of the factors right, then you become the owner of an attractive and God-honouring bstance of a large number of factors. If you get most personality of the factors right, then you become the owner of an attractive and God-honouring.
Stress is the "wear and tear" our bodies experience as we adjust to our continually changing environment; it has physical and emotional effects on us and can create positive or negative feelings. As a positive influence, stress can help compel us to action; it can result in a new awareness and an exciting new perspective. As a negative influence, it can result in feelings of distrust, rejection, anger, and depression, which in turn can lead to health problems such as head-aches, rashes, insomnia, upset stomach, ulcers, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. With the death of a loved one, the birth of a child, a job promotion, or a new relationship, we experience stress as we readjust our lives. In so adjusting to different circumstances, stress will help or hinder us depending on how we react to it.
Physical Signs of Stress
- Breathlessness
- Sweaty Palms
- Diziness
- Nausea
- Exhaution
- Frequent stomach upsets, which leads to ulcer.
- Headache
- Low back pains
- Showlder pains
- Joint pains
- High Blood Pressure, which leads to Heart Attack.
- Pelpation.
- Lack of confidence
- Nervousness
- Anxious
- Inferiority Complex
- Depression
- Feeling of helplessness or hopelessness.
Learn to be patient i.e. don't overact on situations.
Don't get anger and frustration takes control over you.
Spent a few minutes alone i.e. thinking about yourself.
Indulge yourself in painting, reading, writing, dancing etc.
Do physical exercises, i.e. brisk walk.
Have faith in God (spritiual guidence).
Acquire a postive attitude in life because it helps us to be more assertive and in control.
Have a sense of humour.
Set your goals.
Learn to be flexible and adaptable and adjusting.
Concentrate on your priorties.
Communicate your stress with parents i.e. don't suffer a silence.
Make decisions for yourself and make a change for betterment.
Diet and Exercise.
Don't be over confident.
Don't ever have low self esteem.
Time Management also means self's management. Managing time means managing yourself in the given time and minute hrs. are a very precious resource.
Skills of Time Management
Ability to plan delegate work.
Organize work.
Bad Time Management
Delay in work.
Bad relations
Non-acheivements of goals.
Obsticals which reduce effectiveness in the work place
Incomplete information
Unclear communication
Unadequate technical and job skills.
Lack of planning.
Unclear objetives and priorities.
Fatigue, Tiredness, Stress
Inability to say 'No'.
Skills and Strategies
Organize - 'To do' list
Plan - 3 kinds daily
Analyse - Weekly - Long term
Review - Monthly - Lonf term
Priotrize - To give importance
Action Plan - Hard work
Key Principles of Time Management
Regularly review long term goals for your personal and professional life.
Spent a few minutes, thinking about and planning your day before we started it.
Outline each days appointments and key tasks in your calender.
List your tasks and activities in priority order and concentrate on the top priorities.
Keep and use an on going 'To do' list.
Handle the important task of the day when you feel most alert.
Group similar tasks together and handle them at the same time.
When you are working on a large project make down the task into smaller pieces and finish your work at one piece at a time.
Keep reference book materials i.e. telephone book, important manuals etc. within arms reach.
Organising your working tools such as pens, stationery, staplers, cello tapes etc., so that they are ready to use the minute you want them.
Maintain a simple but well defined filing system into your place.
Handle each piece of paper onle once.
Using waiting and travel time to handle small tasks or catch up on reading.
When you start a project or task, have back up plans that can be quickly implimented in your original plan doesn,t work.
Give and take clear instructions so that subordinates, collegues and clients don't come back to you with questions.
Appraise your productivity and determine whether you have completed the goals that you wanted to acheive.
Telephonic ettiquettes is important because you are representing your company and your voice is to be impressive.
Telephonic Talking Tips
Avoid personel calls in an office unless it is very important.
While calling offices remember Monday morning, lunch break, late evening hours are not very good time to call.
Develop a good telephone voice by speaking pleasantly, clearly and expressively. Do not chew, eat or drink while talking on the phone.
Be short and crisp i.e. to the point.
Your voice should reflect your alertness and interest.
Smile on your face also makes your voice pleasant.
Get to the point of the call i.e. why you called.
Be a good listener. Pay full attention to the person.
Turn off any background music or sound.
Be prepared with note taking materials to take complete and accurate message.
The telephone receiver should be three finger breath away.
Speak clearly into mouth piece.
Once the caller indentify himself or herself, pronounce the callers name distinctly.
Modulate and be aware of your speed of talking. Match your word speed to that of the caller.
Use courteous words like please, thank you, your welcome etc.
Don't carry a parallel conversation with anyone else i.e. don't talk to somebody if he/she is on line.
Be sure to have all your informations, questions when you are calling.
It's bad to ask someone to hold.
Repeat your information to the caller by summarising, this way you can clarify the caller's request.
Avoid making assumptions, better to ask questions.
Be the last to hang up, if receive a call.
When Placing a Call
Identify yourself.
If you have several items to discuss make a list before hand.
If the person you are calling seems busy ask him/her if you can call him/her back at a most convenient time.
If you want your call return then give the person your details like your name, phone no. and time.
Replace the receiver softly, don't bang it down.
When answering a Call
Before the third ring, the telephone should be picked up.
Identify yourself and the organisation, then wished.
If the calls needs to be transfered politely ask who is calling. Do not leave him/her on hold for long.
When you take a message ther are five w's as a check list:-
What is the message?
When was it taken?
Whom is the message from and for whom?
When is the meeting or appointment? (time)
Where is the receiver (venue) of the message should go?
Double check the telephone no. and the spellings of addresses.
Answering Machine
Do not leave critical/confidential messages on the answering machine.
Concise/breif messages with the time & date and forwarding phone numbers.
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